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Lost Pet


If your pet is missing please follow this check list:

Call the Corsicana Animal Shelter to file a lost report at 903-654-4928. Please do not hesitate to contact the shelter. They have a 3 day stray hold on all pets that come in without any identification (no collar, tags or microchip) and there is a 10 day stray hold on pets who come in with a collar/tag/microchip.

Post on Facebook with current photo of pet, location where they went missing, any identifying characteristics (like a collar, bandana, etc.), and a current phone number.

Post to the Facebook page

"Navarro County Lost &

Found Pets".

Bring missing flyers to the local veterinary offices so the missing pet's information can be seen by more people.

Make sure to include descriptive info on the flyer like collar color, special markings and gender; along with your contact information.

If you find a lost pet:

Call the Corsicana Animal Shelter to Let them know you have found a pet at 903-654-4928.

Bring photos/flyers to the local veterinary offices in case they recognize the pet.

Post to the Facebook page "Navarro County Lost & Found Pets".​

when posting a pet online, it is a good idea to not include gender so the pet goes to the rightful owner who can identify him/her.

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